The Benefits Of Drinking Honey Water

The benefits of drinking honey water go far beyond what you may be thinking. We all know how important water is. And we’ve most likely seen articles about drinking lemon water. But when it comes to honey water, there are benefits that can and will help in many different areas.

The Benefits of Drinking Honey Water

Let’s take a look at just some of the wonderful things drinking honey water can do for us!

The Benefits Of Drinking Honey Water


  • Kills Bacteria
    Keep your immune system in tip-top shape. Honey is loaded with enzymes, minerals, and vitamins that will help back off that icky bacteria!
    Honey Water Kills Bacteria
  • Loose Weight
    Say what now? Yup! Drinking honey water in place of your sugary drinks like soda and juice will replace 64% more calories! Now that’s something we can all get down with 😛
    Scale with Foot Prints
  • Fend Off Heart Disease
    The flavonoids and anti-oxidants running through honey is known to cut down on heart disease. Honey is also known to slow down the oxidation process in bad cholesterol. This helps lead to less heart attacks and strokes.
    Heart and Pulse
  • Allergy No More!
    Did you know if you have allergies that you should buy a honey which is locally farmed? That’s because by consuming local honey, your body will become immune to the local allergies in your town, such as the pollens. Start drinking honey water, and within a few weeks, you’ll start seeing a difference in your daily allergies.
    Pollen Dust
  • Wake Up with Honey Water
    Stop the yawning! It’s the combination of water and honey which makes this ‘pick-me-up’ a perfect duo. Studies have shown just mild dehydration will cause sluggishness and drowsiness. Adding some more water into your day is always a good idea. Now, top that with the natural sugars found in honey along with the carbohydrates and we’re pulling an all-nighter! OK, maybe a slight exaggeration, but you get the point. Honey and water do the trick to keep those eyes open a little longer.
    Cat Yawning box your lunch
  • Sore Throat Soother
    Honey has been soothing the sore throat for decades! Honey will coat the throat and give it a bit more lubricant and keep it from feeling so scratchy. The warm water will add a soothing effect. This combo will also help reduce a cough that’s often found alongside the sore throat. And coughing only adds to the soreness. Drink up!
    Sore Throat box your lunch
  • Detox Your Body
    Did you know honey will help detox your body? It sure will. Honey is a great way to keep you regular and it help expel all those nasty toxins we have flowing through our bodies. Toxins lead to disease. So drinking honey water to help move them along, is certainly a great idea.
    detox box your lunch
  • Did You Hear That?
    Speaking of keeping regular, honey water will also help with gas. Yup, good old noisy gas. Drink a glass of warm honey water and let that honey neutralize the gas and have that uncomfortable feeling in your gut, disappear.
    Gas Mask box your lunchSo there you have it. Just some things honey can start helping you with. Have a glass first thing when you wake up, or right before bed. And here are just a few more things honey water can help with!
  • Cancer Fighting
  • Yeast Infections
  • Hangover Cure
  • Great for Skin
  • Helps Kill Bad Breath
  • Mosquito Bite Relief

What are some of the benefits of drinking honey water you could use to help you? Let us know in the comments below! 


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